Current Events / Circular

The IBM Centre of Excellence at KLN College of Information Technology, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu was inaugurated on 17th April,2009 by Himanshu Goyal, Country Manager, Career Education, Academic Initiative, Developer Works & Globalization, IBM Software India/South Asia. Academic Initiative team has conducted a Training and Certification camp on DB2/RAD/TDS/RFT/ Lotus/WID.
IBM CoE at KLN College of Information Technology (KLNCIT) is a place where Technology is redefined...It is a place where all innovative ideas are given shape...Students are encouraged to contribute their ideas,views and sugesstions for Development in IBM Center of Excellence
The Center of Excellence supported by IBM Software aims at enhancing the skill sets required by the faculty and the students of our Institution, leading to:
# Improvement in the quality of technical education
# Increase in the employability of students
# Unlimited training to our students on IBM Technologies.
IBM is thinking and acting in new ways to make our systems more efficient, productive and responsive. Smarter systems make a material difference to the health of the global economy, the health of our planet, and the health and prosperity of global society. Our Software Centre of Excellence (CoE) project is another long step towards building a Smarter Planet.
IBM’s Software CoE is an exclusive opportunity for engineering colleges to create numerous certified professionals with smart skills.
The Software CoE is an offshoot of IBM's Academic Initiative which covers 2000 colleges and universities around India / South Asia and many more in the world. It is a global model committed to driving open standards-based IT skills. Under the initiative, IBM partners closely interact with the local government and academia to create anenabling environment by allowing access to IBM software, course materials, training, curriculum development and certification.
This will help India become an innovators ’ nation by investing in skills development and technology enablement,empowering future workers with the right skills to be able to compete in the larger global workforce.
IBM Software CoEs enable technical institutions to provide a platform for development of software skills for students. The concept of T-Shaped skills is commonplace for IT Service professionals wherein they are expected to be and perform like all-rounders
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K.L.N. COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY is the first engineering college on Information Technology in Madurai, started in 2001 by the munificence of philanthropists and well-wishers in the Sourashtra community, which is a linguistic minority in Tamil Nadu. The college, a co-educational one, is sponsored by K.L.N. Sourashtra College of Engineering Council, consisting of eminent industrialists and academicians led by the pioneer Amarar Thiru K.L.N. Krishnan. It is approved by the A.I.C.T.E., New Delhi and is affiliated to Anna University, Chennai from the year 2002.
The college offers 5 Under Graduate Programmes in Engineering and Technology and 4 Post Graduate Programs of which one programme is in Master of Computer Applications and 3 programmes are in various Engineering and Technology branches. |
We congartulate our students who have won in the competition held by IBM in the category of TGMC 2010 -- TOP 10 STATE AWARDS
K.L.N. College of Information Technology |